Happy Friday everyone, Bradley Johnson here and today I want to share with you my current go to hunting rifle.
In an age of carbon fiber barrels and synthetic stocks some of us are still archaic fans of blued steel and walnut. When I spend a lot of money and time to travel somewhere new and exotic, I want to show up with a rifle that can only be described as proper.
Life is too short to shoot ugly guns. This does not mean one should sacrifice performance, on the contrary, this rifle literally shoots one hole with whatever factory load I feed it. You can go read reviews from gun writers and watch videos on stats but as a self proclaimed gun junkie and long time lover of most things blued steel I am going to give you the highlights because this is just an email and sometimes greatness can be explained with fewer words.
– This is truly a rifle designed by people who hunt and stalk all day, balanced is an understatement
-Accurate, this is a 1 hole gun, it’s actually boring how accurate it is.
-The trigger is a single set variety and it’s perfect, no need to mess with it.
-The 4 position safety on the safebolt system is extremely different but easy to operate and intuitive.
-9.3×62……because I am a fan of classically cool cartridges that will kill everything in a non magnum action.
-If Steyr could figure out a way to add a whisky flask in the buttstock for post hunt celebrations it would be great.
-Currently no cartridges larger than 9.3×62(I would love a 416 rem mag)
I love my vintage rifles, but when it comes to grabbing a gun for anything, this is what I grab. Y’all have a fantastic weekend.