Happy Friday everyone, Bradley Johnson here. This week I would like to address shooting sticks. Some of you might already be very familiar in which case go keep cleaning out your inbox.
For those of you who do not know here are some key things to keep in mind.
Shooting sticks are simply elevated tripods that deploy quickly. For most situations stalking game in Southern and Eastern Africa these are the predominant support system for shooting game. Why is this such a big deal? You need to prepare for shooting off of them.
Do not spend a fortune on the hunt of a lifetime to fly half way across the world and be thrown into an awkward shooting position.
Look, I could be wrong but I personally feel most Americans fall into one of three categories.
-prone off of packs/bipods
-off hand still hunters
-hunters who almost exclusively only shoot from a bench because they hunt from box stands
Shooting off of sticks is….different, it certainly takes getting used to. In most areas you do not have the option to get prone off of a bipod unless you hunt open country. Honestly once you get used to it, they are great but please, practice!
Go buy some and hit the range, my favorite are from African Sporting Creations, link below
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/safarispecialtyimporters1/?api=postMessage

With the sticks set up and holding the rifle in your hands off the sticks, get on the sticks and engage a target at 80 yards. Get to the point where you can do this quickly. As you get faster, increase the distance.